Kristina Marotta Logo

My Blog

This is a place where I share my knowledge, experiences, and insights on graphic design, brand design, brand strategy, and logo creation. It's a space where we dive deep into the creative process and unravel the magic behind effective branding. But it's also a platform for more personal narratives - my journey with chronic illnesses. Through my stories, I hope to reach out to others on similar paths, offering comfort, connection, and inspiration.

Artifical intelligence creativity in art
This post delves into the intersection of AI and the realm of design. Let's unpack whether AI can genuinely produce creative outputs or if it's simply replicating patterns learned from humans.
The ins and outs of a brand identity design process
Explore the significance of having a well-defined process in the realm of brand identity design. This article details why skipping the systematic approach can lead to inconsistent branding, and how a process can ensure a cohesive, recognizable identity.
The science of wellbeing
Ever wondered how your mind influences your body? Dive into this blog post to uncover the science of the mind-body connection and its profound influence on your overall health and wellbeing.
The essential guide to brand boards
Embark on a journey to create an unshakeable brand identity with a brand board. This blog post guides you step-by-step on building a brand board, ensuring your brand's aesthetic stays consistent, memorable, and trustable.
Weathering the storm
Explore resilience amidst adversity with Kristina, living with chronic illnesses yet thriving as an entrepreneur. Join her journey as she offers strategies for maintaining motivation during illness flare-ups.
5 journaling ideas for chronic illness
Dive into my latest blog post where I unveil five journaling techniques uniquely designed to support those battling chronic illness. Discover how the power of pen and paper can help manage stress, decipher emotions, and offer valuable insights into your health journey.
5 tips for designing better logos
Dive into the art and science of logo design in my latest blog post. Learn key strategies for creating compelling logos that encapsulate your brand and resonate with your audience. From brand understanding to color choices and timelessness, uncover the secrets of effective logo design.
Branding guidelines
Discover the importance of branding guidelines and how they can drive business success. Learn how to create effective guidelines for consistent branding.
Growing through adversity
Embark on a journey with Kristina, as she turns the adversity of chronic illness into a stepping stone for personal growth and the launch of her graphic design business, Aesthetic Alchemy.
ChatGPT for graphic designers
Dive into the transformative world of AI with our blog post, where we unveil how this AI tool can supercharge your design process. Learn the game-changing prompts for productivity, brainstorming, innovation, and even predicting the future of design, offering designers a new paradigm for creativity.
Bending but not breaking, living with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, hypermobility, hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Discover the untold challenges and triumphs of living with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome in our in-depth blog post.
AI in graphic design, artificial intelligence
Dive into the fusion of tech and artistry in our exploration of AI's revolutionary impact on graphic design. Discover how AI is redefining boundaries and setting new trends in design.
Coping with chronic illness, chronic disease, chronic pain, coping mechanisms
Explore an honest and compassionate guide that offers insights, personal experiences, and practical tips for navigating life's complexities while living with a chronic illness.
My brand identity design process
Unlock the secrets of a successful brand identity design with my proven 10-step process. From client questionnaires to final delivery, explore each step in this comprehensive guide to elevate your brand design game.
5 tips for jumpstarting a career while battling chronic illness
Discover empowering strategies to carve your career path, even while battling chronic illness. This blog post provides 5 practical tips to navigate the professional world, enabling you to thrive despite health challenges.
How to build a brand board
Learn the art of creating a captivating brand board to capture the essence of your brand identity. This post takes you step by ste through the process, helping you to harmonize visual elements such as colors, logos, imagery, and typography into a cohesive and impactful brand image.
The golden ratio in art and architecture
Unveil the hidden beauty of math in graphic design with the Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci sequence. Explore the captivating connection between mathematics and design, and uncover the top benefits and practical tips for integrating this timeless principle into your next creative project.
Byeond visibility, invisible chronic illness, chronic disease, invisible disability, disabled
Explore the hidden world of invisible chronic illnesses and discover the unseen struggles faced by those who don’t fit the typical image of sickness. Learn coping strategies, understand the importance of support systems, and gain insights on navigating social and professional life.

Why brand design?

Brand design isn't just about aesthetics; it's about meaning and value. It's a visual language that speaks volumes about who you are, what you do, and why it matters. At Aesthetic Alchemy, I understand the crucial role of brand design in shaping the identity of a business, standing out in the crowded marketplace, and fostering a deep, lasting connection with your audience. That's why I focus my blog on not only the impact of effective brand design but also on the process of creating it.

Through my step-by-step guides and insightful posts, I aim to provide a window into the world of brand design. Whether you're a startup looking to establish a strong identity, a seasoned business aiming for a fresh look, or a curious individual interested in design's transformative power, you'll find value in my content. I'm passionate about demystifying the brand design process, sharing industry insights, and celebrating the magic that happens when strategy and creativity come together.

Why chronic illness?

Chronic illness is more than a health issue; it's a life-altering experience that impacts all aspects of a person's life. As someone living with multiple progressive chronic illnesses, I understand the physical, emotional, and psychological challenges that come with it. But amidst these challenges, I've found strength, resilience, and a community of support. It is this personal journey that drives my desire to shed light on the realities of living with chronic illnesses through my blog.

In sharing my story, I hope to let others in similar situations know that they are not alone. Through discussing the ups and downs of chronic illness, the coping mechanisms that have worked for me, and the latest developments in the field, I strive to raise awareness about chronic illnesses and disabilities. My aim is to foster a sense of solidarity, educate those unfamiliar with these conditions, and inspire a more empathetic, understanding society. My blog is not just about my journey, but about creating a space for dialogue, growth, and healing.