Kristina Marotta Logo

Sweetbean - Coffee and Chocolate Brand Identity

Female barista making coffee espresso in a coffee shop

What is Sweetbean?

Welcome to Sweetbean, a delight in every bite and sip. We exist in the confluence of two indulgent worlds: artisanal chocolates and premium coffee. Born out of a passion for exquisite tastes and a respect for ethical sourcing, Sweetbean is transforming the coffee and chocolate industry.

We bridge the gap between indulgence and responsibility, promising our customers not just a treat, but an experience that's...

authentically flavorful, ethically sourced, and environmentally conscious.

Line art illustration of a barista making coffee or espresso

Our Mission

Chocolate broken with cocoa beans

Sweetbean exists to:

The Vision

Chocolate illustration

Sweetbean aspires to:

3 Words to Describe Sweetbean


Sweetbean embodies the term "artisanal" at its very core. Each chocolate piece and coffee blend we offer is crafted with meticulous attention to detail and an unwavering commitment to maintaining the integrity of the original flavors. Our skilled craftsmen and craftswomen pour their expertise and passion into every product, from selecting the finest cacao and coffee beans to perfecting the roasting and grinding processes. We celebrate the traditional methods of crafting coffee and chocolate, ensuring that each sip and bite delivers an authentic and handcrafted experience to our customers.


Sweetbean resonates with the word "premium" because we offer nothing less than the best. Our commitment to quality is unwavering – we source only the highest grade, ethically grown cacao and coffee beans from across the globe. Every step of our process, from sourcing to packaging, is designed to maintain the superior quality and integrity of our products. Our customers recognize and appreciate this commitment, as it provides them with a sensory experience that stands apart from standard offerings. The distinct flavors, aromas, and textures of our chocolates and coffee blends truly define the premium nature of Sweetbean.


"Delightful" encapsulates the experience we aim to provide at Sweetbean. From the moment our customers see our packaging to the time they take their last bite or sip, we strive to create an experience filled with joy, satisfaction, and surprise. Each chocolate and coffee blend we craft is designed to offer a unique taste that stimulates the senses and brings a smile to the face. Whether it's the rich creaminess of our chocolate, the robust aroma of our coffee, or the knowledge that every purchase supports ethical sourcing practices, Sweetbean aims to create delightful moments in every customer's day.

Our Logo

Sweetbean logo

Logo Possibilities

Sweetbean logo variations variants

Color Palette

Sweetbean color palette, rose macaron, cocoa lagoon, matcha, latte, cacao


Sweetbean typography, ultima pro, roboto serif

Chocolate Bar Package Design

Sweetbean chocolate packaging package design

Brand Voice

Barista, coffee, espresso


Sweetbean's voice resonates with authenticity as we believe in being genuine and transparent in our communications with our customers. We share real stories about our sourcing practices, the artisans behind our products, and the real impact each purchase has on the communities we work with.


Our passion shines through our brand voice because we truly love what we do. From the excitement of sourcing the finest beans to the joy of handcrafting each chocolate and coffee blend, our zeal for our craft is infused into every communication we put out into the world.


Responsibility is a cornerstone of Sweetbean's brand voice. We are deeply committed to ethical sourcing and sustainability, and this commitment is reflected in our communications. We keep our customers informed about the sustainable practices we follow, and the positive impact their purchases are making.

Brand Language

Coffee shop, tranquil, calm

Coffee Package Design

Sweetbean coffee packaging package design

Photography Guidelines


All photographs should depict genuine and authentic moments. Avoid overly staged or artificial scenarios. Capture the real process of crafting chocolates and brewing coffee, the artisans involved, and the true essence of the ethically sourced ingredients.


High-quality photographs should be used to mirror the premium nature of Sweetbean products. The resolution should be high enough for various formats, including print and digital, ensuring the brand's professionalism and attention to detail are reflected.


The brand's color palette should be subtly incorporated into the photographs, whether it's in the backdrop, props, or color grading of the images. This will help in maintaining a consistent brand image across all platforms.

Natural Light

To maintain the authenticity of the brand, use natural lighting as much as possible. This will create a more organic and real feel, staying true to the brand's commitment to authenticity and honesty.


Each photograph should tell a story, whether it's about the journey from bean to cup, the delight in every bite, or the artisans who pour their passion into creating the products. The aim is to connect with the audience on an emotional level.


Since Sweetbean is committed to ethical sourcing and sustainability, images should represent these values. Photographs could show the lush landscapes from where the beans are sourced, the fair-trade practices in action, or the eco-friendly packaging.