Kristina Marotta Logo

Kristina Marotta - Personal Brand Identity

If you could describe Kristina in three words...

The logo

The combination of the circle, square, and leaf-like shapes in my logo represents the harmonious fusion of creativity, structure, and growth. Together, these elements form a cohesive and visually captivating representation of my design philosophy, showcasing the balance between innovation, precision, and organic inspiration that I bring to my work.

Kristina Marotta personal brand and logo

The color palette

Kristina Marotta personal brand colors, sunset, UT orange, blue green, prussian blue, navy


Kristina Marotta typography, type, fonts, montserrat, headlines, subheadlines, headings, subheadings, body copy, paragraph copy, legal copy

Branding Materials

Kristina Marotta stationery branding materials, collateral

Brand Voice and Language

Key characteristics of my brand voice


"Elevating brands with polished precision."

"Boldly redefining visual possibilities."

"Infusing passion into every design."

"Designs fueled by boundless enthusiasm"

"Inspiring change through captivating design."

"Designs that ignite creative journeys."