Kristina Marotta Logo

EcoHaven Homes - Home-Building Brand Identity


Eco-friendly interior design living room

Who are we?

EcoHaven Homes is a forward-thinking homebuilding company that is committed to creating a sustainable future through eco-friendly, energy-efficient home construction. We believe that sustainable living shouldn't mean compromising on style, comfort, or luxury. As such, our homes combine cutting-edge energy-efficient technology with elegant design to create a living space that is not only environmentally friendly but also a joy to live in. Our approach embodies our commitment to the environment, our passion for innovation, and our promise to our customers - delivering homes that are beautiful, comfortable, and thoughtfully designed to reduce their carbon footprint.

Why choose us?

Choosing EcoHaven Homes means investing in a home that is designed for tomorrow, today. It means choosing an eco-conscious lifestyle without sacrificing luxury and comfort. Our homes are built with the most advanced energy-efficient technologies, which not only reduce the carbon footprint but also result in significant energy cost savings for homeowners. However, our commitment to sustainability doesn't end at construction. We also strive to provide education and resources to our homeowners to promote sustainable living practices. Furthermore, our dedicated team of architects, designers, and builders work collaboratively with clients to ensure that every home we build is tailored to their unique needs and preferences while staying true to our eco-friendly ethos. At EcoHaven Homes, we build more than just houses - we build sustainable futures.

3 Words


At EcoHaven Homes, we believe that the essence of a home lies in its comfort. That's why we meticulously design each of our homes to provide a high level of comfort, with advanced insulation, natural lighting, climate control, and thoughtfully designed living spaces that create a warm and inviting environment for you and your family.


EcoHaven Homes is committed to reducing our environmental impact, which is why we integrate eco-friendly materials and advanced energy-efficient technologies in every home we build. From solar panels and rainwater harvesting systems to efficient appliances and sustainable construction materials, we ensure that our homes are as gentle on the planet as they are comfortable for our homeowners.


Sustainability is at the heart of what we do at EcoHaven Homes. We construct homes designed to stand the test of time and weather, using durable and renewable materials that require less maintenance, and we incorporate energy-efficient systems that significantly reduce the energy needs of the house, making our homes sustainable in both their construction and their ongoing operation.

Our Logo

EcoHaven Homes home-building logo design

Color Palette

EcoHaven Homes color palette yellow and green

Solar Glow

Solar Glow represents EcoHaven Homes’ commitment to harnessing renewable energy, symbolizing the warmth of the sun, which is a vital aspect of the energy-efficient homes they build. The lively, vibrant hue reflects the brand’s innovative spirit and optimistic outlook towards a sustainable future. The association of this color with nature’s most abundant energy source resonates with EcoHaven Homes’ promise of efficiency and sustainability.

Eco Eden

The Eco Eden color emulates the serene and tranquil essence of untouched nature, aligning perfectly with EcoHaven Homes' dedication to preserving the environment through their eco-friendly constructions. The rich, earthy green symbolizes the brand's respect and reverence for our planet, and their intent to create homes that coexist harmoniously with the natural world. This hue subtly signifies the brand's objective to create comfortable homes that, akin to an Eden, are a perfect blend of sustainability and luxury.


EcoHaven Homes typography typographic system

Photography Guidelines

Natural Light

To echo the company's ethos of sustainability and energy-efficiency, photographs should primarily use natural light. This approach emphasizes the harmony between the homes and their environment, and showcases how the homes make use of natural light.

Warm and Inviting

The homes should appear warm, inviting, and lived-in to reflect the brand's commitment to comfort and style. This can be achieved through thoughtful staging, for instance, a lit fireplace in winter or an open window with a light breeze in summer.

Environmental Context

Photos should ideally include the surrounding natural environment to emphasize the harmony between the homes and their settings. This context can also demonstrate how the homes are built to adapt to and complement their environment.

Brand Voice

Key Characteristics

Eco-friendly home interior living room two story


We are genuine and transparent in our communication. We speak with honesty and integrity about our processes, our eco-friendly initiatives, and the benefits of our homes. We do not oversell or underdeliver.


Our brand voice aims to inspire a movement towards a more sustainable future. We want to motivate our audience to think differently about home building and to see the beauty and potential in sustainable living.


We convey a strong commitment to the environment, to sustainable practices, and to our customers. Our voice is consistent and reliable, reflecting our dedication to our mission.

Brand Language

Speak with Purpose

Every piece of communication should align with our mission of building a sustainable future. Our language should reflect our goals and values.

Educate and Inform

Part of our mission is to help our audience understand the importance of sustainable living. Take the opportunity to educate when appropriate, using clear and concise language to explain concepts or benefits related to eco-friendly, energy-efficient homes.

Inclusive Language

We are building homes and a community for everyone. Avoid jargon and technical language that may be off-putting or confusing for some audience members. Use welcoming and inclusive language that invites people into the conversation.


Ensure a consistent tone and style across all platforms and pieces of communication. Whether it's a blog post, a social media update, or a newsletter, the brand voice should be instantly recognizable.

Be Positive and Forward-Looking

Our communication should inspire optimism about the future. Use positive language and focus on the solutions we are offering, rather than dwelling on negative environmental issues.

Show, Don't Just Tell

Instead of just telling people that we are sustainable, demonstrate it through our actions and how we communicate about our work. Use vivid, descriptive language that paints a picture of what living in an EcoHaven Home looks and feels like.